bashful romantic Hi, I am a 25-year old girl from Serbia, so my mother tongue is Serbian.I am on my master studies, the Arabic language, culture and literature department. Beside faculty duties, I teach English and a bit of Arabic. I don't quite enjoy large groups of people, I can't express myself well there. When I am with one or two persons (max three

), I am said to be funny and interesting. I love music, it lights up my spirit. I particularly love the piano and violin melodies. I have recently got the acoustic guitar, so I am starting to learn how to play it. I like classical, new age, Celtic/Irish music and indie pop/rock. I love words (reading them and playing with them, making poems) and photography too. I have a best female friend, soul sister, and now looking for a best male friend, who might become my soul mate or just stay a good friend of mine.

I am rather modest person and small things make me happy. The most valuable things one can posses, in my opinion, are love (to have love for others, and also receive it from others) and peace (with yourself and others)